Saturday 21. Sep. 2024, week 38
172 recipes online

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Chilli con carne
Curried chicken with ...
Pork tenderloin stew
Pizza whirls with ham ...
Greek meatloaf with ...
Stuffed peppers
Goulash with mash
Stir-fry with prawns ...
Baked chicken and ...
Fake hare with ...

Popular Recipes

Serving price: 1,61 €
Burgers and fries with garlic dip
Burgers and fries with garlic dipPeel the potatoes and cut into chips. Place them on a baking tray lined with baking paper and bake at 200ºC until golden, approx. 30 mins.

Shape the beef mince into patties, season ...
584 Kcal Per Serving
F: 25 g, P: 34 g, C: 59 g
1,168 Kcal (110 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Burgers and fries with garlic dip

Serving price: 3,49 €
Pork patties with beans and leek-potatoes
Pork patties with beans and leek-potatoesDefrost the beans. Preheat the oven to 200ºC.

Cut the leeks into thin rings and the potatoes into thin slices. Blend a little of the milk and the flour together in a pan. Add the ...
585 Kcal Per Serving
F: 24 g, P: 37 g, C: 59 g
1,170 Kcal (88 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Pork patties with beans and leek-potatoes

Serving price: 4,83 €
Café burger
Café burgerWash the potatoes thoroughly and cut into wedges. Put the oil, paprika, salt and pepper into a freezer bag.
Put the potatoes in the bag and shake well. Tip the potatoes onto a baking tray lined with baking paper.
Bake ...
854 Kcal Per Serving
F: 39 g, P: 49 g, C: 82 g
1,708 Kcal (116 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Café burger

Serving price: 0,27 €
Pizza whirls with ham and cheese
Pizza whirls with ham and cheeseBlend the yeast in the hand-hot water. Add the oil, salt and flour. Knead the dough well.
Place a clean, damp tea towel over the bowl and leave to rise in a warm place for 30 mins.

Roll ...
96 Kcal Per Unit
F: 3 g, P: 6 g, C: 13 g
3,056 Kcal (170 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Pizza whirls with ham and cheese

Serving price: 3,36 €
Curried chicken with pasta
Curried chicken with pastaFinely slice the leeks and onion.

Mix the curry powder with 1/3 of the oil in a pan. Add the leeks and onion.
Thin with water.
Cut the chicken into strips and add to the pan. Season ...
677 Kcal Per Serving
F: 15 g, P: 47 g, C: 91 g
1,354 Kcal (136 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Curried chicken with pasta

Serving price: 5,23 €
Fresh pasta with salmon and apple
Fresh pasta with salmon and appleChop the spring onions, dice the apple and cut the salmon into small pieces.

Bring the water for the pasta to the boil.

Sauté the spring ...
863 Kcal Per Serving
F: 30 g, P: 32 g, C: 118 g
1,726 Kcal (170 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Fresh pasta with salmon and apple

Serving price: 5,10 €
Mexican tart with beef.
Mexican tart with beef.Chop onions finely, sauté them in a pot, and then add beef and sauté it as well. When the meat is browned, add the Mexican seasoning mix.
Make the pie crust according to the package instructions, roll it ...
866 Kcal Per Serving
F: 54 g, P: 48 g, C: 48 g
3,465 Kcal (177 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Mexican tart with beef.

Serving price: 4,30 €
Baked chicken and vegetables
Baked chicken and vegetablesSeason the chicken with salt and pepper and lightly brown in a little rapeseed oil. Transfer to an ovenproof dish.

Preheat the oven to 200ºC/fan oven 180ºC.

629 Kcal Per Serving
F: 16 g, P: 51 g, C: 72 g
1,258 Kcal (87 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Baked chicken and vegetables

Serving price: 4,43 €
Pita bread with tuna and egg
Pita bread with tuna and eggHardboil the eggs and chop.

Cut the cucumber into cubes and the tomato into wedges. Chop the lettuce.

Make a dressing out of fromage frais, olive oil and add ...
759 Kcal Per Serving
F: 13 g, P: 48 g, C: 113 g
3,036 Kcal (98 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Pita bread with tuna and egg

Serving price: 3,89 €
Chilli con carne
Chilli con carneChop the onion, garlic and pepper. Split the chilli pepper and remove the seeds, then chop (quantity according to taste). Crush the juniper berries.

Brown the minced beef in a pan with a ...
485 Kcal Per Serving
F: 20 g, P: 44 g, C: 34 g
970 Kcal (97 Kcal/100 g)
Energy for the recipe Chilli con carne


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  • Recommended energy composition:
    Fat: 20-35%
    Protein: 10-35%
    Carbohydrate: 45-65%

    The recommendation is individual and depends on your daily activities.

    Source: (IOM) 2002

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    Daily energy needs
    Male about 11.000 kJ.
    Female about 9.000 kJ.
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Latest recipes

Fake hare with ...
Mexican tart with ...
Buns with cardamom
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Indian chav chav
Chicken in sweet ...
Stuffed chicken breast ...
Roast beef with ...
Tiger prawns with ...
Chicken and curry ...
Rice dish

Most used ingredients

1.Sea salt
2.Black Pepper
5.Olive oil
6.Rape seed oil
7.Wheat flour
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Most viewed recipes

Roast beef with ...
Lasagne with béchamel ...
Curried chicken with ...
Steak with barbecue ...
Café burger
Chicken with sautéed ...
Ham with glazed ...
Café salad
Hokkaido mash with ...
Goulash with mash
Greek meatloaf with ...
Pork tenderloin stew
Mexican tart with ...
Fake hare with ...
Rice dish
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